It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. —Mark Twain
Back in 1994, the real beginnings of Supernoetics™, I came up with the concept of hoaxes; those “Everybody knows that’s true…” tidbits, which it turns out are not true at all. In fact the real truth is often 180-degrees in the other direction (So I invented my 180-degree rule at the same time!)
I’m going to walk you through one of the biggest killer hoaxes of all time. I call it the Happy-When Hoax. “I’ll be happy when… ,” I have achieved some cherished goal or other: getting rich, getting laid, becoming famous, discovering the comet that gets named after me, recover my health, whatever.
There is more than one problem with this position: Continue reading