The evidence for the afterlife is objective, stunning in its consistency and volume, and taken as a whole amounts to technical, irrefutable proof.
–V J Zammit
This is a short extract from V J Zammit’s fascinating paper A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife. Victor James Zammit, B.A.(Psych.) (Univ.of NSW), Grad. Dip.Ed.( Syd. Coll. Adv. Educ now Univ.Tech.Syd.), M.A. (Legal Hist.,Constl. Law)(Univ.of NSW), LL.B.(Univ.of NSW), Ph.D., lawyer, Euro-Australian, is a retired attorney of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia.
Zammit tackled the question of the afterlife from a lawyer’s point of view. Interesting!
Particularly, as in this piece, he assesses the standards of evidence used to refute or establish the existence of life beyond death. It’s a pretty fascinating approach and well repays the effort in study. It is, of course, very pertinent to my series about Being and Consciousness.
From this point on the post is in Zammit’s own words:
From my experience, I find that the closed-minded skeptics are applying to evidence for the “paranormal” a totally unrealistic standard that is different from the tests applied by the courts and by science in other areas, such as the safety of medical treatments and drugs.
1. The “impossible to pass” test
Over the last one hundred and fifty years, psychic history has shown that there is a core group of critics who will not accept that psychic phenomena can exist. These closed-minded materialists apply a test that will guarantee the psychic phenomena being investigated will not be accepted under any circumstances. Continue reading