Why We Sometimes Make Ourselves Smaller
Here’s An Important Message from the desk of
Keith Scott-Mumby MD, MB ChB, HMD, PhD
There are times in everyone’s life when a person feels belittled. Maybe it was some chance
comment, a criticism, an embarrassing mistake that was made, or someone’s deliberate
attempt to be hurtful.

The consequences can be very unpleasant. Our self-confidence and certainty crumbles.
Maybe we were bad unintentionally—or we did something wrong? See, we begin to
question ourselves. These are times when we shrink and withdraw.
If we are honest, it happens a lot. Probably only narcissists and sociopaths don’t get this effect; they cannot afford the luxury of self-introspection. I took the term “Pips” and “Pipping” for this all-too-common effect. To me, being “pipped” puts it metaphorically, meaning we become tiny and insignificant: pips, dots or blobs, if you will.

Because it happens repeatedly, we come to accept the “fact” that we are tiny, weak and insignificant.
But there is a persistent myth in this respect, which ruins countless lives, causes unhappiness, breeds shame and leads to a loss of self-esteem. It is this: no-one can make you smaller except yourself. You have a choice. You are not compelled to shrivel up inside, just because someone or something put you down.

Responding by feeling smaller and at fault—being “pipped”—is something you do to yourself. No-one can force it on you.
Do You See Yourself As Weak? Uncertain? Confused?
All those wannabe gurus telling you that you can be, do or have anything you want. It’s just not true, is it?

Men and women everywhere live way below their potential. It’s almost a maxim. You can see them as shrunken or shriveled individuals. Why is that?

Feeling uncertain about our strengths and worth, doubting our very nature, is now almost an endemic psychological deficit. Whenever the majority of individuals are attacked or criticized, he or she tends to go into agreement with the criticism; maybe I’m really no good? Maybe he or she is right when they say I’m a fool? Or ugly? Or obnoxious?

The extraordinary thing is that, in virtually EVERY case, the person is doing it to him or herself. Self doubt becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. The real cause is not what some outside influence is doing but the person agreeing to the outside influence and judging self adversely.

I’ve been looking in detail into this pipping phenomenon, with a friend, lately deceased (him, not me!) Per Schiøttz, my Danish friend and mentor, has come up with some surprising insights that we planned to share with the world together, but now I must do it on his behalf.

Now there is a great new text, from beyond the grave, so to speak, showing you a whole new way to go about your life; how to stop pipping yourself and how to recover the freedom to be yourself, as radiant and assertive as you want to be.

No more taking your cues from other people. In a matter of hours you can re-assert yourself and put an end to pipping. What’s more you can do it for others too! Spread a little freedom. Reclaim your world. Raise your self-esteem. Grow wise to the little games people play in the hurly-burly and jostle of life!
The Freedom Tools
The new book centers around what Per called his “Freedom Tools”, a brilliant psychological insight. He had a saying, repeated often, which is that freedom is a quality, not a quantity. You can have as much of it as you like. Just ask for it!

The trouble is, social media and cultural norms instill in people the false idea that there is only so much freedom—thus, if I want a lot, I have to take it away from other people. 

This just isn’t true. Freedom is something you FEEL, you MANIFEST, not something you get or measure. It’s impossible to quantify freedom; you can only say whether a person has it or not.

But the merchants of pipping are out there. Plenty of people want to solve THEIR problems by bringing down those around them. This has many faces, from inept parenting, to trolls and bullies on the internet; pernicious teachers to former lovers’ spiteful mouthings; political “meddlers” in other peoples’ lives, to bosses of the Genghis Kahn school of leadership.

Strong clues that a person has been chronically pipped would include (but not limited to) the following:
  • Your spouse always gets his or her own way
  • ​Domineering parents
  • ​You were unhappy at school and felt bullied
  • ​You were mocked and belittled while you were growing up
  • ​In your career you always felt out of it and failed to get your own way
  • ​Your view of things was often rejected or sneered at
  • ​Person is making him/her self smaller in relationships
  • ​Imposter syndrome
Imposter syndrome is a strange condition where a person doubts his or her self so much, they go through life feeling that sooner or later they will be “found out”, that they are frauds, that they cannot really do anything successful, they are living a lie…

Pretty grim!
Finding and Re-Engineering Those Defining Moments
Per Schiøttz’s brilliant Freedom Tools, on which this booklet is based, are all about finding and re-engineering those defining moments when you decided to cave in to others. The path to recovery—freedom—is to dump the decision you took to make yourself smaller or accept another’s point of view against your own. As you gain insight and shift, naturally, you quit doing it to yourself! The person undergoing this “cleansing” wakes up and comes alive. It’s marvelous to see!
Another key learning: I have so far described this phenomenon in terms of nasty, aggressive people, who seize your rights and your space, to make you shrink. But it is important to realize anybody can have that effect on you, if you allow it. Even a nice and intelligent person, who is merely strong-minded or forceful in his or her opinions, can end up creating pips. 

That doesn’t make strong-willed people bad! Just powerful in their effects on others!

If you adopt another’s point of view or opinions, you are pipped, simply because they are not your own opinions. Do you see that? It doesn’t even matter that the strong individual may be quite correct. He or she has been elected as the reason for abandoning your own point of view and the mechanism kicks in accordingly. So, the target for correction is rightly the pip, NOT the person who is dominating.  

A lot of wasted psychology centers around the idea that the client was a victim. Bad things “happened to” him or her. You poor thing. So your husband was a brute? Your father abused you? Oh my God! She did WHAT to you? Kind of crap.

It’s disempowering because it doesn’t provide any role for the person in his or her own miseries. It’s also a wrong indication, or big misownership, to ignore what the individual did to create their own problems. Yes, the husband may or may not have been unfaithful—but what did YOU do wrong or fail to provide, that he was ultimately discontented? Why didn’t you talk about it long ago, before things got out of hand. Did you actually listen to what your husband was saying years before and deal with it in some way? No? OK, you lose.

Even with the subject of bullies and brutes, you have to ask: why didn’t the wife just walk out, instead of staying around to be “abused”? It’s a core precept of the Freedom Tools writings that you cannot be free while you think nasty people do nasty things to you and hurt you. Yes, nasty people do bad things, but it only hurts you if you let it into your life, that’s your fault, not theirs.

So we re-instate a person at cause. You cooperated with the domination, so YOU are the one who has to un-create the mess. In a counseling or coaching situation, a client must be brought up to the realization that domination, or what used to be called “suppression”, is something you agree to—otherwise it doesn’t exist. It’s just water off a duck’s back, as we say.

This goes wider in psychology. Bad happenings, stress, PTSD and a whole host of “causes” of misery have to be bought into, in order for them to take effect .
Undoing The Harm
The joke is (well, not funny) that it is SO EASY to undo the effects of a lifetime of pipping. More than half of this handy and life-changing little book tells you what to do about it, how to get UN-pipped and how to prevent ever again becoming a silly pip!
The first stage is to recognize the pipping moments in your life. We help you out with that by asking simple, but searching questions, like:
Are there situations where you had a hard time ‘standing your ground’?” (Towards who?)
It’s not all parents and teachers, bosses and bullies. Our supposed friends and peers can have their harmful effect too. We go fishing in great detail for the moments when life went a little awry.
Did you ever feel you were...
1. Dominated
2. Suppressed
3. Overwhelmed
4. Made wrong
5. Unmocked
6. Threatened
7. Forced
8. Inhibited
9. Invalidated
10. Robbed of something
11. Forced to accept something
12. Denied having something
13. Told to BE in a certain way
14. Told not to BE in a certain way
15. Told to do something you didn't want to do
16. Told not to do something you wanted to do
17. Threatened with consequences
18. Traumatized
By who exactly? We always identify the person, even if you felt attacked by a group. There is always a “ring-leader”. We then show you how to eliminate that person’s effect in your deeper psyche.
It could be something Joe said, meaning the words, like: ”I think you are crazy”, ”Do you really believe that?” ”I don’t believe that”, ”That is wrong”, ”You are too old for that”, ”You are too young for that”, ”That is for girls/women”, ”That is for boys/men”, ”Are you really religious?”, ”That is for kids”, etc.

It could just be the way Joe spoke, such as: with contempt, anger, disgust, with disbelief, a guffaw, with a “poisonous” snake-like voice, with demonstrative cough, etc.

It could be Joe’s body language, like: frowning, rolling eyes up/down, shrugging, slowly shaking his head, making faces, waving you off, pointing your way out, kicking you, slapping you, punching, pushing, turning his back to you, etc. are all obvious ways of putting someone down.

You see these people have a whole library of ways to demean or belittle someone. You need to haul what they have been doing to you into the full light of day, so that you can SEE it… and then take the steps we tell you to put an end to the nonsense .
It’s all in the book Pips and Pipping.
Get it. Read it. You’ll be glad you did!
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Spouses, Partners and Lovers
This phenomenon sometimes surfaces BIG TIME in a relationship. Through practice, habit and belief, one partner becomes dominant. The other one is thinking of them being a “bully” or “unreasonable” or “demanding”. The supposed weaker partner keeps giving in to their demands and feel hard done by. It’s not always the man, of course, the spectacle of a “henpecked” man is common enough, even the subject of comic book humor.

Thing is, it’s not the strong person’s values necessarily. The partner who is put upon mostly is the one to blame, for putting up with it. For BEING the pip.

After the years go by, it matters very little where is started, or WHO started it. It becomes a fact of life that one of the partners always gets their way, the other always gives in and submerges their own wishes to the stronger partner.
It has to be seen to understand how the dynamics of such a relationship change when the pipped partner starts to object and push back. It can be a time of quarrels and tension, as the new relationship emerges. But so often it transpires that the “bully” is no bully at all; just a person used to getting their own way and being very impatient if the other doesn’t give in quickly.

But once the pipped partner starts to push back, the challenger emerges as a sensible and tolerant person, who understands the other partner has needs and they need to be respected .
So no relationship need break up until The Freedom Tools have been run comprehensively. The stronger partner also needs to read the materials in full and work on correcting his or her side of the equation. It can be very satisfying for both.

Then we turn to…
Personality De-Mix
One of Per’s brilliant contributions to human psychology and spirituality is his personality “de-mix”. See, if you have spent your whole life buying into someone else’s opinions about you, it eventually becomes a jumble and is hard to identify what are your own, real thoughts and what are merely the opinions of this other person!

Per has an answer for that too. It’s vital you de-mix yourself from him or her. We slice up the story with techniques like:
  • Tell me a similarity between [Joe] and you?
  • ​Tell me a difference between [Joe] and you?
Repeated, over and over, it’s marvelous how this starts letting in the light!
There are lots of these de-mix question; too many to give here. Another “pair” could be:
  • What does [Joe] do, that you also do?
  • ​What does [Joe] do, that you don't do?
Half an hour of this approach and you can start to see Joe as he really is, yourself as you really are and the whole mechanism for pipping laid out in front of you.

OK, these are some sneak-peeks. If you want to know how to use The Freedom Tools in all their power and transformational glory, you’ll have to get the book
It’s all in "Pips and Pipping".
Get it. Read it. You’ll be glad you did!
Click Here To Get a Copy And a Fabulous FREE Offer…
The Social Side of Pips and Pipping 
We live in a world where we are pushed towards pipping ourselves all the time. The Church elders, bless ’em, insist you see yourself as totally unworthy, stupid, even fundamentally bad! But a lot of people buy into this creepy control mechanism.
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would seem more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind..." Thomas Paine, Founding Father of the USA.
They promise you a golden future after you die, provided you suffer in the here and now. The bummer is you won’t know if they are lying till after you are dead and gone from the world.

It could all be a big hoax. Just ask yourself this simple question: how could they really know what happens after death?

Then there are political controllers. Not everyone is an evil dictator. But somehow politicians seem to think it is their right to enforce on others what they hold most dear.

These days we have self-appointed guardians of public opinion, like Facebook and Google, who try to tell others what to think, will censor other people’s work on the internet, even take down web pages that are disapproved of: not pages of filth or inciting violence, you understand… just opinions about President Trump, vaccinations, Russia, GLBT, etc. which are not approved of.

These internet giants have enormous powers to hurt, demean, destroy and pervert other peoples’ lives and they are not shy about (ab)using these powers. They do indeed take away freedoms wholesale and without a shred of responsibility or care for what harm that does to others.

Well, this is to introduce a rather magical book, that has the power to heal and glorify people’s lives, so let’s not dwell on the unpleasant politico-social aspects of our world.
But to be sure, you need to know and understand these phenomena, if you are to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from being forcibly crushed by those who are skilled at manipulation but have a very dark and unpleasant agenda.
Freedom at last!
What People Are Saying
“What a treasure of a technique to help clarify what parts of your automatic responses to the world are from others versus from the deeper parts of yourself. Regular use could be a great way to support inner work at all levels.  The self contract also helps to refocus attention to clearly separate you from the stuff you took on from others earlier in life.”  
Gregory Brown MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
As a trained nurse of several decades, interested in all aspects of health, from the physical to mental and spiritual, I was fascinated to learn the potential of Per Schiøttz’s “Freedom Tools” to change the lives of many for the better. It’s novel but simple. You could say it is assertiveness training on steroids! Having experienced the value of playing down adverse influences by other people, I regard this as an important breakthrough. If we can get it accepted by mainstream doctors, counselors and psychologists then we can start changing the world for the better. What a shame Per is no longer with us.
Pauline Day, RGN (Registered General Nurse), UK
The crown jewels of the work we did with the Freedom Tools was to offer me a chance to get crystal clear on what belongs to John and what does not! Yes for personal responsibility it does not get much better. Further, the joy of disentanglement from an enmeshed and well-meaning  upbringing has provided me a real appreciation that was unavailable to me before. I love my life now and am exceedingly grateful to all that I have received.
John Sunde, health researcher and student of Supernoetics®, Canada
Graham Simpson, MD
Dr. Keith really has come up with something this time. It’s so SIMPLE, yet so far reaching. The entrenched idea that bad people do bad things to you is old hat. It hasn’t helped much in all these millennia. But the revolutionary concept that you shrink yourself, in response to attack, is very different and it opens many doors for improvement. More to the point, it enables a person to recover their sovereignty and agency and THAT’S the difference.

It’s obvious that timid, shrunk or shy people can defend themselves and grow in strength and stature! Here’s how you do it.

I realize it’s simple to praise my friend, Keith Scott-Mumby, when clearly Per Schiøttz has been the main pioneering force. But readers of the book will see very clearly the differing but major contribution of each author.

It’s a must-read!
Graham Simpson, MD, original founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, author of Healthy and Happy (foreword by Larry Dossey) and founder of Eternity Medicine. 
Wherever You Are Whoever You Are
The Freedom Tools are a sure-fire action, because everybody, everywhere, has these issues. Probably only a cold narcissist or a bleak psychopath can stand up to criticism without some tendency to wither a little.
It’s worse for kids, of course. Because they are learning and, if it seems to them they have to learn that they are stupid, small, weak or limited, that’s what they will learn.

Parents who haze or harass their child for underperforming in school tests or in their grades are doing a grave disservice to the child. There is no need to PRETEND the child is perfect when it is making mistakes. But it’s one message to hear you are “no good”, “You’ll never amount to anything” (teacher’s favorite sneer): another message entirely to hear: “You can do this”, “It just needs some extra work” or “We’ll get you some special friendly coaching.”
Trouble is, parents were often themselves subjected to criticism and scorn. So they do the same thing to their kids, who in turn will do it to their kids. It’s like a poison; contagion; or these days we use the term meme (a thought virus).

Let’s break the whole cycle. Learn the mechanics of pipping, The Freedom Tools and how to coach them on others. Then let’s turn the community around with love, freedom and equality!
It’s all in the book Pips and Pipping.
Get it. Read it. Do It! Learn To Teach Others…
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The book PIPS AND PIPPING and this website provide information, not advice. “Pipping” is a generic term of common human experience and does not imply any medical or psychological condition.

The book PIPS AND PIPPING, and the technique known as “The Freedom Tools”, are provided for general information only. They are not intended to diagnose, treat or otherwise modify any mental health conditions, which belong in the domain of professional health care workers.

You must therefore obtain the relevant professional or specialist advice if you are experiencing severe mental health or self-image issues. 

If you have questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider without delay.

If you think you are experiencing any medical condition, or feel even slightly suicidal, you should seek immediate medical attention from a doctor or other professional healthcare provider.
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