How Is The Being And Consciousness Teleclass Series Going You Ask?

Well, apart from some housekeeping and technical hitches, very well indeed.

This series touches on powerful spiritual materials and is a long way from the wafflings of self-styled “light workers” and such*. This is cutting edge data and I mean with a hard edge. No fluff.

With my experts I am in pursuit of real understanding of what consciousness is and what is the essence of Being. OK, in the past we have had mostly speculation and opinion; or religious dogma, which does not stand up to rational scrutiny. But times are changing. We are getting a better grasp on things in today’s scientific world.

The first teleclass was last Wednesday, when we had professor Gary Schwartz talking about the science of survival after death. It was wonderfully inspiring. We truly do survive: in fact, as attendees on the call heard, the laws of physics don’t just say we could survive, they say we must survive, as a field of energy and information.

Gary had some good case histories but more to the point he put our feet on the right path regarding scientific enquiry. We talked about fitting the double-blind model into the spirit level of enquiry.

This series, you see, is not a woo-woo fest. It’s real experts, mostly academics, who have important contributions to make to science and human progress. Continue reading

A Legal Case For The Afterlife

The evidence for the afterlife is objective, stunning in its consistency and volume, and taken as a whole amounts to technical, irrefutable proof.
–V J Zammit

This is a short extract from V J Zammit’s fascinating paper A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife. Victor James Zammit, B.A.(Psych.) (Univ.of NSW), Grad. Dip.Ed.( Syd. Coll. Adv. Educ now Univ.Tech.Syd.), M.A. (Legal Hist.,Constl. Law)(Univ.of NSW), LL.B.(Univ.of NSW), Ph.D., lawyer, Euro-Australian, is a retired attorney of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia.

Zammit tackled the question of the afterlife from a lawyer’s point of view. Interesting!

Particularly, as in this piece, he assesses the standards of evidence used to refute or establish the existence of life beyond death. It’s a pretty fascinating approach and well repays the effort in study. It is, of course, very pertinent to my series about Being and Consciousness.

From this point on the post is in Zammit’s own words:

From my experience, I find that the closed-minded skeptics are applying to evidence for the “paranormal” a totally unrealistic standard that is different from the tests applied by the courts and by science in other areas, such as the safety of medical treatments and drugs.

1. The “impossible to pass” test

Over the last one hundred and fifty years, psychic history has shown that there is a core group of critics who will not accept that psychic phenomena can exist. These closed-minded materialists apply a test that will guarantee the psychic phenomena being investigated will not be accepted under any circumstances. Continue reading

A Journey Into The Wonders Of Consciousness

I just wanted to share with you all my thoughts and hopes for the upcoming teleseminar series “The Science of SuperBeing and Consciousness.”

For many years now I’ve been watching wannabe gurus and hucksters offering their brand of “consciousness science”, which mainly seems to be about manifesting what you want and getting rich. That fraudulent movie, “The Secret” has a lot to answer for. It’s not just (mainly) untruth it portrays but is very misleading and sends people off in the wrong direction.

It’s very frustrating to me, who started my journey in the pursuit of love, truth, beauty and The Eternal, beginning with Buddhist studies in the 1960s, winning an international poetry competition and going via fascinating regions of mind and spirit, such as shamanic journeying, past lives and alchemy.

So I have put together my own reality program. I want to do this right.

And I have invited a few friends, who are very knowledgeable, and some world-class experts in the REAL science of consciousness, to come and join me in what I hope will be a serious look at consciousness science and what it means to us. Continue reading

If You Could Have Just One Wish Come True What Would You Ask For?

If you met a superbeing, a genie or a minor god who claimed he could grant you any wish you liked, what would you choose?

Think carefully; don’t be corny and say, “A million dollars” (or even $10 million). Don’t wish for infinite powers: you’d die of boredom in half a day… think about it.

I think I’d soon get very tired with materializing pots of gold, meeting delicious blondes with exaggerated appetites, always winning the lottery or endless triumphs for the local football team! Where is the sport in that?

I’d ask for the power to fly by magic, like Peter Pan. Levitation it’s sometimes called. Why?

Because it would require an awesome shift of consciousness to do that; you would at a stroke have surpassed the laws of the physical universe. But you would also have entered a wholly new realm of mind.

I can just feel the exhilaration, as I contemplate that idea. Even $billion couldn’t buy you that! Continue reading

Fun With Problems

I have written many times over the years that the mark of a successful individual is not whether he or she has problems. It is whether he or she can solve the problems they have.

If the person has the same problem now as they had last year, he or she is poor at solving problems and not very successful.

A lot of people do not understand problems and cannot solve them (how can you, if you don’t know what a problem is?)

So the unsuccessful person just worries and frets and does nothing.

It’s not at all about having “no problems.” In fact the only sure way to have no problems is to be dead. Everybody has problems. Whenever we have a goal, there are barriers to achieving that goal. The goal blocked by a barrier is a problem. Continue reading