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Meditation Reduces Inflammation Markers
Mindfulness meditation techniques designed to reduce emotional reactivity also reduce inflammatory responses and might be useful in chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma, according to a small sample study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In an article published in the January 2013 issue of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, the authors present a comparison between an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction program and an 8-week active control health enhancement program that included walking, balance, agility, core strength, nutritional education, and music therapy.
The two groups had similar levels of stress-evoked cortisol response and similar reductions in psychological distress, but the group trained in mindfulness-based stress reduction had significantly smaller inflammatory responses.
This is good news. I can also add it to the benefits claimed for Mind Mastery techniques and the LOVE-GRATITIDE-and-FORGIVENESS CD I just created and which is proving such a hit.
The researchers also demonstrated benefit in chronic pain control. That’s something where brain integration technology even exceeds just plain meditation techniques.
In fact, I did a track on “white light” pain control, coupled with binaural beats and flashing lights (photic driving) for the brilliant Master Key, from New Reality.
Check all this out (click the links):
Love-Gratitude-and-Forgiveness CD
Master Key Device from New Reality
Two Of The Most Evil Books Ever
Does the idea of psychiatrists diagnosing you with “personality disorder” shock or worry you? It does me. A more crackpot bunch of twisted loonies I have rarely to meet than those doctors who assume the right to make pronouncements about another person’s mental health and personality because they are “experts” in the mind.
99.99% of psychiatrists don’t even have a definition of normal behavior. Like the “Real Wives Of Orange County”? Are they “normal” people? Ha! Who would you pick as a definition of what normal should be?
Then there is the problem of memes: are people who have picked up nonsensical thinking from others or from their parents (so-called “thought viruses”) suffering from personality disorder, or just lousy educational input?
99.99% of psychiatrists don’t know that thinking disorders are mainly physical: low hormones, toxic foods, lack of key vitamins, toxoplasmosis, slow viruses, etc. Is that personality disorder or disease? If someone acts sick and talks babble because they are feverish and delerious, we don’t call that personality disorder; so why is it a disorder if there are other physical causes? Continue reading
What Does Going To Heaven Really Mean?
What Does “Going To Heaven” Really Mean?
Listening to a Christmas carol and catching the words about “up in Heaven on high”, I got a sudden perspective which I think makes more sense out of this ancient and rather corny idea of “Heaven”.
In fact it lights up the dangers of using scriptures which are out of date and based on scribblings by ancient Jewish writers. They knew next to nothing! Our high school kids today know more about our world than those remote scribes of time past.
So when our scriptures (not just Christianity) contain these references to God on high, it’s based on their very limited view of the world.
This is what I suddenly realized: God or the Divine is, of course, a much bigger concept than us and our lives. So as we expand outwards, to include the bigger concept than us, and Earth and human life, we are naturally expanding and growing towards a far bigger concept.
But—here’s the killer—outwards from Earth will appear as going “upwards” from the surface of a spherical planet!
In fact, if you think the spherical planet idea through, what would “upwards” possibly mean? Off Earth from England, or The Holy Land? Or upwards from Australia, which is in the opposite direction to European “Heaven”! Ha ha!
It would mean that “up” to Heaven is purely selective and based on viewpoint. It’s no more than a metaphor. But that’s not what the scriptures say. They are quite clear that Christ went up to Heaven; Mohammad too, he ascended on a winged goat.
To me, it’s a good reason to ignore the ancient scribblers, which I do anyway. What could they know that helps us here and now, wrestling with questions of human survival, sustainability of Nature, women’s issues and the definition of consciousness?
The grumpy, misogynistic God they portrayed is practically the definition of everything we DON’T want. But that’s because of their ignorance. I can forgive them but I sure don’t have to let their view of the world define mine.
The God I love has nothing to do with the silly old fart portrayed in old texts (which Jews, Christians and Moslems share).
What Is Knowledge Really?
It’s one of those sort of things that, well… everyone knows! But what does it mean, to know? How do we know we know? We remember stuff, but is that the same as knowing? Oh no, certainly not…
Philosophers have argued for over 2,000 years about what it means to know something. It’s called “The Problem Of Knowledge”.
Plato and Aristotle took a bite out of it. The so-called skeptics (the group of Greek philosophers around the 5th century BC, not the negate-all twerps on the Internet today) doubted that it could be proved that knowledge is possible. They were very cautious about stating anything was true because, as they argued, how could you prove it?
Even today, with quantum physics dominating our world, there is no way to prove that quantum theory is correct. It works right enough; but we might have the right results from the wrong explanation!
It’s fascinating really, to grapple with problems of the mind at this level. Continue reading
The Power Of Electro-Nutrition For The Brain
We know to take omega-3s, B complex, iodine and other good stuff for brain health. We take vinpocetine and gingko to stave off memory decay and aging. Vital nutrients for the brain preserve our faculties and also enhance our moods.
But don’t forget that the brain is also a finely tuned electrical organ; its wires run everywhere in our bodies. Nourishing the brain therefore means also electrical harmony. I call this electronic nutrition!
If you’ve not yet learned about massive progress in brain entrainment and integration, you have some catching up to do.
These days we don’t think of “right brain” and “left brain”, so much as whole integrated brain. It’s one organ; not two organs! We function far better when the two sides are balanced and working in harmony. Neither is better than the other, in any sense.
In recent years advanced electronic equipment has enabled us to explore the way our brain works and how it resonates energetically. The use of binaural beats allows us to change brainwave frequency and also to balance up the two sides.
Add to that the phenomenon of frequency following or “flicker following”—the use of synchronous flashing lights to alter brain frequencies—and we now have some pretty powerful tools to persuade the human brain to work better.
We can create deeply relaxing states at will. It’s not spooky or synthetic. In fact, after years of research into this, I can tell you our brains just LOVE it! Continue reading