You’re gonna love this! It’s amazing…

This is something I learned from my friend Cyril Smith, at Salford University.. with a twist on it that he missed!
An adult man standing with his arms outstretched above his head is approximately the right size for a quarter dipole aerial at a radio frequency of 10 metres wavelength, 30 MegaHertz frequency.
So what? That just happens to be the longest wavelength that will reliably reflect around the underside of our atmospheric layer called the ionosphere. The ionosphere is what makes ham radio possible: bouncing signals around to any part of our planet (electromagnetic waves, remember, travel in straight lines).
Now also, if I human were able to somehow cohere all the power that he/she omits, it’s quite possible to get a burst of up to 1 kilowatt (harder to sustain it). That’s plenty of power to transmit radio signals.
So, this may be yet another “Goldilocks effect” (physics that works “just right” for human life). Because it means that we are the right size and can generate enough power to transmit our personal energies to anyone on planet Earth.
The bit that Cyril missed (he’s never published it anyway) is that arms outstretched like that is the classic guru or priest posture for influencing the masses. That means gurus can transmit and their message will reach anywhere! [could apply to the Nazi salute, too, I’m thinking] They really do sway their followers by transmitting a real signal, acknowledged by physics. Nothing woo there!
The problem is, not the transmitting, but the receiving. Out of all the “noise” that’s pumped into our electromagnetic environment, how do we tune into the exact signal we are seeking?
More on that later.
One last point: LOTS of people standing with their arms outstretched could create a much more powerful transmission. Mexican wave, anyone?
We are radio human.