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Supernoetics™ is something I'm very passionate about and will be bringing more to you in the coming months.
I call this insightful eBook the "Constellation Of Accord"; a constellation means a "gathering of stars". In this case, the stars are important interactive aspects of our human relationships.
The biggest "star" by far is communication. If only we could communicate intelligently and without inflammatory overlays, it would be great.
Unfortunately, our communications are intensely colored by the emotions we feel and for some people that means sudden flashes of rage, fear, anger, and contempt, experienced without any understanding of why or where it comes from.
Politicians, on the other hand, never want to listen to anybody else's point of view. Yet they expect others to adore and respect their views! It's nonsensical, of course.
There are answers, believe me, to these great and timeless miseries of Humankind.
Knowledge moves on all the time.
As I keep reminding everyone, there are some GREAT people out there, doctors and scientists unsung, who really want to make a difference in the world.
Sign up today and get your eBook now…and not only that I'll keep you up-to date with the latest developments of Supernoetics™ -- where transformational psychology leads to a new breakthrough paradigm in holistic healing.
Life can change! It's one of my lifetime sayings: Life can change in an instant; all it takes is one decision. Don’t wait sign up now.

PLUS, you will become a valued member of my self-growth community, I call Supernoetics™. Best of all you’ll receive my FREE newsletter called Super Mentality, your weekly dose of Super Mind insights and developmental tools you can use to tap into your personal power to improve your health and increase your well-being. |